Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Red Rockin' Sock!

Ok, so, if i haven't already told you guys like 10 trillion times, I WENT TO HAWAII!!!!!!! And one of the best parts was that I was on a CRUISE!!!!

I'll tell you guys more about the beginning, but right now I wanna talk about my Dad's sock in Kauai, one of the last islands we visited. ... I know, it's weird for me to talk about the ending first, but just listen.

Now, in order for me to "learn from this" I must write some facts... sigh....

#1. In Kauai, there is this red soil stuff.
#2. and IT STAINS, and it, like, never comes off.
#3. It was VERY annoying to the people whose clothes got stained.

And then this genius comes by and says:
"Why don't we purposely stain our clothes completely red, so this why it looks like we have a red shirt on, and if the red soil comes on it, it doesn't matter?"

Pure genius, huh?

So now that's what they do, and they make money from it. Ya, that's right, they sell this stained stuff for like 40 bucks to tourists.

That's like staining a shirt in some American paint, and selling it to some Japanese tourist guy for $40... and I know what your thinking, Cu-Chingggg, free money!

So, my dad came up with THIS genius idea... WHY NOT STAIN IT YOUR SELF!
And that's exactly what we did.

We went to this park somewhere near the docked cruise ship. Who knew one park has a enough red soil to make a stinky, boring sock, to a Hawaiian smelling, red sock?

So, were just walking around, and my dad said, "Wouldn't it be so cool if could just stain some cloth and take it home as a souvenir?" Now, that idea excited the b-shizzles outta' me!

... ya, I have a weird way with words. Anyways, I got right to my nagging. "Dad! YES! WE HAVVVEEE TO!!!!! NO!, We can NOT go home with out a stained cloth! COME ON! THINK
, what can we use???!!!" It went on, and on, until my dad, yet again, had another idea.

"Why don't we use my sock?"

And I said, "YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!" Who knew uncreative, plain, white and gray socks came in handy?

I got right to work. "DAD! TAKE OFF YOUR SOCK! NOW!"
"No, let me just step in the soil, it'll make it red"
"Sweety, let me try this first?"

So he rubbed his sock in the soil, and ... It MAGICALLY BECAME RED!!!! ... wait, he rubbed it, and most of the red came off...

I told you Dad, it wouldn't work, but NO, don't listen to me.

I sighed. Time to show them how it was supposed to be done. As they say, "If you want it to be done right, do it yourself."

This time I basically ordered. "DAD, take OFF the SOCK." (No, I'm not spoiled... just... hyper.)

He took off his sock, and handed to me. I rubbed the sock in some soil, and in became some what red... I rubbed a little, but most of the red came off again.

Then, of course, ANOTHER brilliant idea from my genius dad. "Maybe you have to dampen the sock before you can stain it?" Why not become the next Albert Einstein?

Well, he may be smart, but I'm lucky, because I spotted a hose. And look, it worked! Water and all.

I dampened the sock, and walked my way back to the red spot. I rubbed it pretty well, and went back to the hose, and where my parents were sitting. I smiled as I showed them the sock, but the smile slowly disappeared as the red washed away, again, as the water drizzled on it.

mmmhhh... what am I doing wrong? ... Maybe this will work....

With out a word, I went back to the red spot, and got right to work. My parents called me, but I waved them off, I had work to do. I rubbed the sock thoroughly and smiled triumphantly. I walked back and started the hose... My dad said he rather have him wash it.

Fine, I'll let him do this ONE thing...

I watched carefully. Do it slowly... SLOWLY... No, that was too much water!!!

"OK, OK, calm down!"

He drizzled the water on it... No! It was washing away!

"TOO MUCH! Let it dry for a bit! Set it down!"
"Sweety, no, come on.."
"OK, OK!"

He set it down, and we waited for a while... NO! He was starting the hose again!

"What on?"
"The hose?"
"Huh?! We still have to wash it!"

And under my command, operation "SOCK STAIN", was under control.

I finally let him wash the rest of the dirt off, and the stain actually worked! VICTORY!
"Ok, you were right, happy? It looks great."

I bragged the rest of the way home.. well, to the cruise.

Now you may be wondering, where my mom went... Well, who else took all these great pictures and videos?!

Till' we meet again,


P.S. In case you are wondering, here are the socks after surviving a laundry cycle!

Now if he had only let me do both the socks he could have one complete pair of the famous Red Dirt socks and could have sold them on eBay for 40 bucks!

Friday, September 10, 2010


Well, i woke up at 9, to find Lia sitting next to me... At first I was startled.... Oh ya, i had a sleepover....!

She came over yesterday night, basically 9:30, and we went on the computer, played with my dog, and eventually fell asleep talking. The next day, after we woke up, we went down stairs, ate breakfast, talked, watched a little tv, and like 10 mins ago she left.
It was pretty fun ... !

Today, at 6... i think,... I'm going to play a soccer game vs. Mayfield travel. I bet we're gonna win, and that's the type of "fire" quote, quote our team needs to win. After that people are coming over for dance practice because tomorrow there's a big 9-11 dance program.

So ya... that's my day....


Thursday, September 9, 2010

School's on

Wow, it's been 2 weeks of school... well not quite, but about, and it feels like forever.

At first it didn't seem like school was even school, it was SO different then last year- new people, new teachers, teachers teaching new classes - it felt like camp! But of course, the first week is always wacky, and really fun.

I just got back from my cousins house... I slept over there. And today my friend... Lia, is coming over for a sleepover. I got to catch up on my sleep.
But you would think at a sleepover, you would sleep most of the time, that's what the name intends... but no, it means u sleep less... weird.

Why am i having sleepovers on a Thursday? Because i have no school today or tomorrow, and i didn't have school Monday... labor day. So a 4 day weekend after a 2-day week of school.... cool.



Friday, August 27, 2010



Summer totally flew, and you can tell, because you didn't see any posts, between the start of summer until now : ).

So yesterday there was a 'before the school' student council meeting. It felt like I was in the a real political meeting! I mean really, there was food and a rectangular table, and folders with paper and... ya you get the point.

And then i went BACK to school, to greet some new people who are coming to my school, and i met some really nice people. I had a great time, and i think i got a new friend... A lot of new friends. Imagine, half an hour and i got to know some great people. It was pretty fun, seeing all my friends again.

Well, school's going to start on Monday for me, and I'll miss everyone of my friends that left my school, but greet the new people, who'll hopefully replace the gaps.

For now, i got make sure my flutes working, and get my back pack ready.


- Sabrina.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wow... :-/

OK, so i woke up today (which was at 10:50 because y'day, or should i say early today, at 2:00 A.M. we finished watching a movie, so i woke up late... so did my mom : ) and i asked my mom what time the big game ... she said 2:30. So i was like, OK, sure, that great, I'll wait.

So on my Gmail account and on buzz i posted I'll be online at half time of the big game so we can chat about it.

Then later on today i was chatting with my cousin and the soccer game came up as the topic. My dad was there and he over heard ( we were video/voice chatting ) and said we were going to my neighbor's house for the game, so i was like, OK cool, I'll have to bring my laptop to their house.

So just to make sure, i asked my dad what time the game was, HE said ONE thirty, and he's pretty good with the timings and everything so i trusted him, and i had to change EVERYTHING. (My status message, the buzz post, and emails. ) because they all said the game was at 2:30 so i had to change it.

So it was about 1 o'clock so we went to my neighbor's house, and when got all settled, and i connected to the Internet, it was 1:15, and then when we were watching for a while, adds and stuff, and THEN we found out it was at REALLY at 2:30! INCONCEIVABLE.

So my family and my neighbor's are hanging tight, aand we're waiting for it to start, so i started my laptp, and guess, what? I had to change everything, AGAIN! And further more some of my friends were confused so i ha to explain.

So i'm at my neighbor's house typng furiously on the laptop, chattig and blogging, and changing buzz posts, and sending emails, and waiting for the game to start.

IMPORTANT MORAL OF THE STORY: Women are always right.


- Sabrina.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Rules on the Road

Today we went on a field trip from my camp, and let me tell you, I am EXHAUSTED.

We went biking on the towpath by Eeri canal. You probably think we got our bikes and just started... that's a good guess, but false.

The day before, this instucter came and told us these saftey rules about biking and wearing helmets, but he went into to details, not just "wear your helmet, you'll be safe" and all that stuff everyone tell you. But today he explained it again as a review and for the people that weren't there yesterday.

Here's some of the rules:

He explained how the helmet was to be worn, he didn't just say wear it. You remeber by singing the "head shoulder's knee's and toes" song XD (that's a smily face), i know, I know, it's corny, but it helps to remember it. The middle part of the song is the part that helps you remember, "eyes and ears and mouth and noes." Here's how to wear a helmet:

- Eyes: When you look up you should see the tip of your helmet.
-Ears: the two small side trape should be right under your ear.
-Mouth: When you open your mouth, it should just reach the buckle under your chin.
- And Noes: You shouldn't be able to push your helmet forward to your noes :)

Thats the helmet safty rules.
The bike safty rules are...

- the seat should be between the soft part of your stomach and a hand down from the soft part of your stomach.
- Put the wheel in between your legs, then try to turn the handle bar, if it turns too much then you need to make it tighter.
- To make sure the tire presure is fine take the palm of your hand and press on the tire. Even if it presses the slightest bit, pump it.
- Squeeze the brake tight, it shouldn't go all the way to the handle bar, it should go about halfway.

That's bike rules.

The rules took a while it self so i'll write a blog on saying what i atully did.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Parachute video

Now this needs a drumroll. This is the video of me racing one of my friends, you can't see the ending that well, but I won, of course XD (thats a smily face) u can see the previous post that says parachutes, which will explain this post better.


Parachute video

Here the vid just incase


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Highlight of today was i raced people with a parachute tied around my waiste!

We ran to a certain place and back, i won BOTH times, beat that.
it was for fun, right after my soccer game, it was a friendly soccer game though, i dominated :)

I'll post a vid later!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ups and downs

This post is called ups and downs, and that's exzactly what it is. Right now i'm in a down situation. I'm in a pretty bad mood right now because Usa isn't doing good vs. Ghana, but let me start my day from the beginning.

It all started this moring when i woke up and my left eye lid felt really heavy. I thought because i selpt on that eye too heavily. So i tried to look up and down and get my eyes adjusted but it still felt weird. So i went to brush my teeth and that's when i looked in the mirror. My right eye was normal, but my left eye was half closed and open. I got pretty worried, panicked, because i have a friend who has an eye like that and she had to get surgery, and the eye is still half closed all the time. I was wondering what i did to myself. Then i went to my mom, lucky for me she's an eye doctor. She said... it was a disease, i was horrified, she said i have to get surgery. This was the first down part.

I'm just kidding! She said it was harmless and it was just a bug bite on my eye lid. She put some medicine and said it'd be gone by evening. That's the first up part. But the down part is that it still feels really weird.

But here comes the next up part. I was gonna dog sit for my friend, and she has a really cute dog, so we went to pick him up. After we got home i saw the ending of the soccer game that was going on. I ate some food, relaxed, and then, the moment we've been waitng for, the USA vs. Ghana soccer game. But the bad part awaits.

Ghana scored in the first 6 mins. I was truely mad. Up part, USA scored with a penelty kick by Donovan. The regualar game ended in a tie, so an half an hour extra time was added. At the end, one country was victorious, but as you know, after an up part comes a down part, Ghana won.

I was writing this blog as the game was going on and when i ended this Ghana had won.

It's been hard so far, started with down, ended with down. But the day's going and something good will happen, bye for now.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Today at camp we went to trinity cathedral and we prepared food for people who can't afford it. The church serves food every sunday. that was the special thing we did today.

After camp we went to a soccer game, it was just for fun, all ages, boys and girls, it was a good learning expierience. it taught me to be more agressive!!! after the game we had these cool parachute things u tie to your waste and then run and see if it goes in the air, that means ur running hard. I race against someone, i won!!!

after i got home i went to my friends house for a second dinner :). pizza n' soup, yum. plus watermeon as a dessert.

I got home and now i'm writting this, i had a pretty fun day.

- Sabrina

Ps. i think my dog is sick cause he keeps throwing up :(

Friday, June 18, 2010


OMG, y'day was SOOOOO coincidental, i went bollowing from camp, and i had spares and stuff, but no strikes yet, and then at like the end of the bollowing time, when there like 30 sec. left and it was my turn, and then i threw the ball, and just as the ball got to the pins the light went out on our lane and our time was up, and guess what??? IT WAS A STRIKE.

And today, we went canoeing and it was really fun, but some of my friends got tipped it water... the water was brown. ick.

Monday, June 14, 2010

First day

Today was my first day of camp! oh, and just to tell you, we didn't win the tounement y'day... :(

But, today kept me going cause it was the first day of camp!!!

I started the day with a start, I couldn't wait to get there! I got out of bed got ready and went to hawken middle/lower school. After we reached there, we went to hawken high school to start the day. It was familiar, but different, because i play soccer at hawken upper school but had never gone so deep into the making. We did an introduction game and then we got started. We had a choice of dance, soccer, tennis, or art. I play soccer ALOT and i don't like tennis THAT much, and art didn't rilly strike me so i chose dance. It was rilly fun, the person who taught was only in college but she was amazing! I was really impressed and tried to copy her way of dancing but at the same time didn't try THAT hard because i was a lil sleepy :)

After that we went to lunch, i was expecting your everyday, ordinary food, but at the same time was expecting ONE thing extrodinary because i was familiar with the food they serve at hawken day camp, so basically i had some idea, but not really. I went in side and wasn't that surprise untill i hit the salad bar, it had a LOT! Fudge w/ wip cream, salad (of course XD), and tons of side dishes to go w/ the salad, they also had a soda fountain, and fruit bar, plus you had an option to make a sandwich, it was SO cool!

After that we watched a movie, i don't know why we watched the movie we did, based on our age, because it was a Dr. Sues based movie. It was ok, pretty boring if u ask me, people were basically falling asleep, but it was ok, because i ate sugar and that kept me awake!!! After that we went swiming, don't know what i can explain about that... you use your arms, and you kick, and breath... ya.

Then we made a surprise... My dad/mom is probably going to read this so i don't want to give it away!!! I'll tell you guys after i tell them about it!

Well, that's basically my day so far!

- Sabrina

Ps. OH! and i knew TONS of people there and made like 10 new friends! Now i know like most of the people there.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Talk about soccer

Friday was a relaxing day compared to the weekend! Although Friday I watched the 2 world cup soccer games, RSA vs. MEX which turned out to be a tie 1-1 and the URG vs. FRA which was also a tie, but was 0-0.

On Saturday I went to sleep early so I can get a good night's sleep for the tournament... and to watch the next game for the world cup. This weekend, which is still alive, has been crazy... crazy about soccer.

On Saturday, I saw the ending of the S. Korea vs. Greece game, which was fun to which since S. Korea scored to 2 goals, the final score ending at a 2-0. But the big game still awaits, USA vs. ENG. (Zoom to 0:15, and 2:20 for goals)

So after the game ended I got ready for my soccer game, which was the first of the Eerie Flagship Cup. We headed out from Cleveland all the way to Pennsylvania for the game. When I got there it turned out two of our players were sick, but an extra player joined us so we would have enough subs, just in case the two players couldn't play. We were... well, at least i was determined to win the game. Our Cleveland Select coach had 3 goals for my team, win against our cross town rivals (Check), win the tournament, and move up from the division 1 team to Premiere. And I was, still am, determine to win the tournament.

For the first time, we had a big cooler and we put our drinks and sweat clothes in to keep them cool, and we a had a tent to keep us under the shade, it was one of the hottest days I've played soccer in. Well, those additions I did make it easier and helped us keep cool.

Finally, we started playing. It was a tough game, we had some history with the other team, we won against them the first time we played them, the second time they beat us, and guess who won? It was a tie. I guess we're about the same level... (But Select is better :) We all wanted to watch the USA. vs. ENG soccer game, knowing the fact we are soccer players. We went to Quaker Steak and Lube, and it was SO COOL! It had cars and motor cycles hanging from the ceiling, and there were flat screen TV's everywhere!

The whole... well most of the soccer team ate together, while the others went to the restaurant down the street. Our coach said to "eat light" so that's exactly what we did. Everyone was moaning that they couldn't get the awesome french fries, or the vanilla with chocolate on the side. Most everyone got baby carrots w/ ranch dressing as the side dish.

Finally, the game started, USA vs. ENG ... It was kinda' cool to watch a soccer game with your coach and team mates :) As it started all the TV's changed to soccer from basketball, baseball, or whatever sport. All the TV's showed one sport, soccer. But in the first 4 minutes of the game, England scored, u could hear the "NO!!!" or the "Awwww" and the moans all over the place! It was really funny, but at the same time sad because the other team scored. After a while the goalie got hurt, but continued to play. Later, the Quaker Steak and Lube cheered when USA scored! IT WAS SOOO LOUD!!! All my friends started laughing and i couldn't help but to join in. The goal was just a stupid mistake by the goal keeper, but, at least that goal got us to our tie with England!

After that inspiring game, we went back to the field to play our second team from New York. It was a pretty poor team, we won with the satisfying result of 5-1; that sets us up to give us a place in the finals and gives us a wonderful opportunity to win the tournament! I think we have a pretty good chance, and just in case you want to know what's going on here's the link to our scores and what's going on and where the teams are. Remember, I'm in Cleveland Select.

Today I'm watched the ALG vs. SLV game (can't find any links because it just ended!), and Slovenia won, 1-0. And just as I type the Serbia vs. Ghana team is beginning to play! They just finished the national anthem, and are now shaking hands.

Today my team will play again and if we win we will go to the finals, if you have any questions about my tournament, or the world cup, then just leave a comment!

- Sabrina

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Student council

Hey!!! I'm so excited for next year! I won student council at my school.

At my school there are 6 equal leaders from middle school, 2 from each grade.
I ran for 6th grade, and i was so nervous to do my speech, but turned out it wasn't too bad...
I made an awesome poster and my speech went good.

I asked what other people voted, lot of people voted for my opponents but I was still pretty convident, until my friend said lot of people are voting for my friend lia. it was going down hill, until the next day, when i won!!! Now i can't wait for next year!!!

Moral of the story, don't give up until the end!!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Hey, i'm taking care of my friends gerbil and she's really cool, but i prefer a hamster...

See you next time!


Sunday, January 24, 2010

December Chills

How was ur holidys? Mine was great!I visited my cousins in Cinci ... It was so much fun!!!

Ok ...
And if you guys have any blogs tell me about it!

jUST TEll me When YoU Go TO WriTE a CommEnT!!!


Sabrina ... !