Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ups and downs

This post is called ups and downs, and that's exzactly what it is. Right now i'm in a down situation. I'm in a pretty bad mood right now because Usa isn't doing good vs. Ghana, but let me start my day from the beginning.

It all started this moring when i woke up and my left eye lid felt really heavy. I thought because i selpt on that eye too heavily. So i tried to look up and down and get my eyes adjusted but it still felt weird. So i went to brush my teeth and that's when i looked in the mirror. My right eye was normal, but my left eye was half closed and open. I got pretty worried, panicked, because i have a friend who has an eye like that and she had to get surgery, and the eye is still half closed all the time. I was wondering what i did to myself. Then i went to my mom, lucky for me she's an eye doctor. She said... it was a disease, i was horrified, she said i have to get surgery. This was the first down part.

I'm just kidding! She said it was harmless and it was just a bug bite on my eye lid. She put some medicine and said it'd be gone by evening. That's the first up part. But the down part is that it still feels really weird.

But here comes the next up part. I was gonna dog sit for my friend, and she has a really cute dog, so we went to pick him up. After we got home i saw the ending of the soccer game that was going on. I ate some food, relaxed, and then, the moment we've been waitng for, the USA vs. Ghana soccer game. But the bad part awaits.

Ghana scored in the first 6 mins. I was truely mad. Up part, USA scored with a penelty kick by Donovan. The regualar game ended in a tie, so an half an hour extra time was added. At the end, one country was victorious, but as you know, after an up part comes a down part, Ghana won.

I was writing this blog as the game was going on and when i ended this Ghana had won.

It's been hard so far, started with down, ended with down. But the day's going and something good will happen, bye for now.


1 comment:

  1. I asked the elevator operator "How is life?"
    He said, "It is full of ups and downs!"

    Hope that little joke will bring a smile to your face and help end the day on an up note!

    Hope your eye is better.
