Monday, June 14, 2010

First day

Today was my first day of camp! oh, and just to tell you, we didn't win the tounement y'day... :(

But, today kept me going cause it was the first day of camp!!!

I started the day with a start, I couldn't wait to get there! I got out of bed got ready and went to hawken middle/lower school. After we reached there, we went to hawken high school to start the day. It was familiar, but different, because i play soccer at hawken upper school but had never gone so deep into the making. We did an introduction game and then we got started. We had a choice of dance, soccer, tennis, or art. I play soccer ALOT and i don't like tennis THAT much, and art didn't rilly strike me so i chose dance. It was rilly fun, the person who taught was only in college but she was amazing! I was really impressed and tried to copy her way of dancing but at the same time didn't try THAT hard because i was a lil sleepy :)

After that we went to lunch, i was expecting your everyday, ordinary food, but at the same time was expecting ONE thing extrodinary because i was familiar with the food they serve at hawken day camp, so basically i had some idea, but not really. I went in side and wasn't that surprise untill i hit the salad bar, it had a LOT! Fudge w/ wip cream, salad (of course XD), and tons of side dishes to go w/ the salad, they also had a soda fountain, and fruit bar, plus you had an option to make a sandwich, it was SO cool!

After that we watched a movie, i don't know why we watched the movie we did, based on our age, because it was a Dr. Sues based movie. It was ok, pretty boring if u ask me, people were basically falling asleep, but it was ok, because i ate sugar and that kept me awake!!! After that we went swiming, don't know what i can explain about that... you use your arms, and you kick, and breath... ya.

Then we made a surprise... My dad/mom is probably going to read this so i don't want to give it away!!! I'll tell you guys after i tell them about it!

Well, that's basically my day so far!

- Sabrina

Ps. OH! and i knew TONS of people there and made like 10 new friends! Now i know like most of the people there.

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