Friday, July 2, 2010

Rules on the Road

Today we went on a field trip from my camp, and let me tell you, I am EXHAUSTED.

We went biking on the towpath by Eeri canal. You probably think we got our bikes and just started... that's a good guess, but false.

The day before, this instucter came and told us these saftey rules about biking and wearing helmets, but he went into to details, not just "wear your helmet, you'll be safe" and all that stuff everyone tell you. But today he explained it again as a review and for the people that weren't there yesterday.

Here's some of the rules:

He explained how the helmet was to be worn, he didn't just say wear it. You remeber by singing the "head shoulder's knee's and toes" song XD (that's a smily face), i know, I know, it's corny, but it helps to remember it. The middle part of the song is the part that helps you remember, "eyes and ears and mouth and noes." Here's how to wear a helmet:

- Eyes: When you look up you should see the tip of your helmet.
-Ears: the two small side trape should be right under your ear.
-Mouth: When you open your mouth, it should just reach the buckle under your chin.
- And Noes: You shouldn't be able to push your helmet forward to your noes :)

Thats the helmet safty rules.
The bike safty rules are...

- the seat should be between the soft part of your stomach and a hand down from the soft part of your stomach.
- Put the wheel in between your legs, then try to turn the handle bar, if it turns too much then you need to make it tighter.
- To make sure the tire presure is fine take the palm of your hand and press on the tire. Even if it presses the slightest bit, pump it.
- Squeeze the brake tight, it shouldn't go all the way to the handle bar, it should go about halfway.

That's bike rules.

The rules took a while it self so i'll write a blog on saying what i atully did.


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