Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sports .. Continues.... READ PREVIOUS POST!

Ok, So I'm at sports right now ... At sports .... well, just listen to THIS!
There was ... A basket ball court with 6 hoops, a soccer field, a swimming pool (we couldn't go swimming), tennis court, mini golf, hockey, volley ball court, there were frisbees, and more!
I started out playing frisbee with the teacher, who is REALLY nice, and 3 of my friends. We played for a little and got board so I play 3-way mini put - put with the teacher and my friend ... I WON!
Then I play a little volley ball. Played some basketball. Then play some of my favorite sport, soccer.

It was time to switch around. My group's next activities was challenge curse. We went into the woods and reviewed some rules. Our first challenge was with a tire. the object of the game is to only put on foot on the tire and lift up the other foot of the ground ... there's a catch ... EVERYbody, all ten people, have to be on the tire ... and for 15 SECONDS! We Were SO close, but we F I E ! !
A L D !

next challenge ... I like to call it the titanic but they called it the same thing as the VERY first challenge ... remember? The one which we have to get of Earth? Ya' that one. But this time we had to do something different. We stand on a piece of wood and grab hold of a rope. We swing to another piece of wood about 5 feet from the platform that we are currently on. The catch is that all ten people have to get to the wood safely ... they can't fall of the wood once they're on, and they can't touch their feet to the ground when they're swinging. We got this challenge the 3rd or 4th time we tried.

when we got back to the Mess Hall, we had free time. I didn't get to do the nature hike, but I do that tomorrow. We decided to have AMERICAN IDAL! It was REALLY funny! I did something with Lia and my other friend Deep ( that's her nick - name). Then my MOM came to teach Indian dance! You see, at my school, we celebrate lots of different cultures. She us JAI HO from Slum dog Millionaire. (I already knew it!) after that my mom said she had some stuff for me.

Flash bacK! : when we wee still at school, I had brought the smallest amount of luggage, my
friends, and friends parents kept asking,"THAT's IT?" And I said YES! I told my mom to bring me a sleeping bag when she comes to camp to teach us so it'll look like I have more! It turned out that I needed it! Se also got me boots to wee for the nature hike, but I didn't need it.)

After I had unpacked what my mom got for me, she took some pics, and then she hugged me good bye. I had free time. I played theder ball (I don't know how you spell theder! The COMPUTER DOESN'T EIGHTHER!) and helped my friend write songs, and hung out in the girls cabins.
It was now time for dinner. Here is the sad part ... this is where my finger gets injured ... If you want to know more about my finger's blue nail (Which I have right now! I'm typing with it!) look at a post I typed about five posts back. ... so... I am a vegetarian ... lot of Indians are ... So is Deep. she's Indian too. But because I am vegetarian, they made a special meal for me! and they served to me! Other people had to get up and get there meal! I got pasta and eggplant as a side dish. I ate sadly because of my finger, but happily because of the GREAT meal! I had gotten ice for my finger, and it hurt alot but I surprisingly didn't cry. It was hurting a ton. The teachers said that we are watching a movie, and to get out sleeping bags and pillows. we did. The movie was back to the future. I Enjoyed the movie but had to get up to get ice water ever now and then for my finger.
After the movie we roasted marsh mellows and mad smores. It was a Pretty awesome day.

To be continued ...


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