Thursday, October 22, 2009


So now that you know what my cabin looks like, let's get on with the adventure!

After we unloaded our stuff, we went out side. We cud see the Mess Hall from outside our cabin. But as Sssssooooonnn as us girls step out of our cabin, we're in playing distance of theder ball and "gaga" In the Gaga pit because it is right outside our cabin. When we (us girls) got outside, the boys were already playing football and theder ball and Gaga. We joined there games and it was soon time for the tour of Camp Wise.
After the tour we played some team-work games in a small lounge building such as ... fixing a "space ship" and getting out of Earth because it has become unlivable. How that exercise worked was from our 30 people in our class, we got split into to two groups ... 15 &15 ... How this worked was the teachers laid 15 papers on the floor, each has a number on it. The object of the game was to press the code -1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 - in 15 seconds ...But the numbers are sensitive. All of us had to pick a number to be their number. After we decided who gets what number we have to step on the number at the right time ...
I know it's confusing to understand but here's an ex sample ... Let's say "Bob" has number one, "Bill", has number 2, Bub has 3 and I have #4. When we start the clock, Bob has to jump on his number and get off, then Bill has to step on 2, then Bub has to step on#3 and get off, then I have to do four ... Get it now?
Our team basically got it but some people didn't step on there number but stepped beside it. The other team didn't get it at all!

after this challenge we had another challenge ... a blind fold challenge. In the exercise we all split into groups of 3 ... THIS TIME WE GET TO PICK OUR PARTNERS! ... Then we blind fold somebody and guide them ... I picked to be with Lia and someone else in my cabin. I was second to be blindfolded ... after this we talked about how it felt to be blindfolded ... THEN WE haD lunCH!

Lunch Was AmazInG!

We had grilled cheese, tater-tots, tomato soup, there was a salad bar, juice, and more! I had a grilled cheese and TWO helpings of ta tor tots. When we thought it couldn't get better ... DEsSErT!
It was chocolate brownies with chocolate on top! And the there was the best hot chocolate I've ever tasted! LUNCH WAS FANTASTIC!

After lunch we hhhad a little time to relax ... We sat by the fire, hung out, and relaxed on the couches.

Then we split into 3 groups ... I WAS SEPaRATED FROM LIA! NoOOOOOOOO!
... One group goes to sports ... That's my group ... then one group goes to the nature hike ... Lia's group ... and the last group does some challenges.

I'll continue next post.


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