Thursday, October 22, 2009

O well!

I know tat was a long story but I wanted to tell you what hppened! I didn;t ue spell check ... Even right now I'm not using spell check! I just was in a rush to finish ... Even though it took m an hour to write all that ... O well!



Continued... Read previous post.

I got some more Ice and then we went to our cabins. We played around and told stories. I tried to laugh but turned out ore like a cry. Kinda' like this ... "hahahehehewa!" that blue finger is REALLY annoying! I had to throw out the ice cause it was getting leaky. Lights out at 10:00. I went to sleep in pain! I woke ... it was dark ... as I opened my eyes I was COMPLETELY awake! That's REALLY usual for me. It has to be 6 in the morning! I thought. I looked at my watch and it was only 12! I was shocked! how could I be so awake? I looked at my finger ... Oh ya. My pillow was a little wet ... it wasn't drool. It smelt salty ... like tears. Climbed down and went to the bathroom. My eyes were a little red, like I've been crying for few minuets. I WAS CRYING IN MY SLEEP FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE i WAS 4! My finger was hurting like crazy!

I didn't know what to do. Should i wake Up the teacher? that was the only thing I could think of. I was kinda' scared. I heard noises and I didn't know what to do! I'm only 10! I know this doesn't sound like a big thing to threat over, but If you were in my position you would understand!
I froze. I just stood still ... In the middle of the floor. I guess I was thinking. To my relief the teach said, "what's up?" Thank God! I went to her and told her what wrong. She went to my rescue and in the middle of the night, got out of bed, went to the Mess Hall and got me some ice!

Went to bed but woke up every 2 hours. I just should of tooken a pain killer! I just remembered i had a pain killer medicine! I didn't want to wake her up again though so I just kept sleeping ... Or trying to sleep!

In the morning I was the last to wake up on my side of the cabin ... just by few minuets though. when I woke up I looked around an saw no one was there. got out of bed and I was like a celebrity! People were asking, how's your finger? How's your finger? I was starting to enjoy it! I took a shower and got dressed.

We went to breakfast and I got more ice. But it's the weirdest thing ... At night, I heard a thump and woke up, I'm usually a deep sleeper , ... not that today! I look around and I couldn't find my ice. In the morning I look under my bunk and around it but couldn't find it?! I don't know where it went!.

So any way, I had breakfast ... only a bagel though. I had a little hot chocolate (that made me feel better!) and relaxed. One of my teachers got some medical tape and made some sort of splint. It REALLY helped!

I went on the nature hike ... it was really Our last stop on the hike was up by a lake. We found 2 pairs of under pants! we made a flag out of it and made a pledge of allegiance for it! It was my idea.

After we got back from the hike, a teacher first asked if I had gotten a swab few days ago ( I was sick ... I was still sick when I went to Camp Wise!) I answered yes. She said I got positive for Srept throat! That means I had Strept throat on the field trip!!!!!

I was shocked! I sat down in amazement when they say we're splitting into 2 groups again. I was separated from Lia! AGAIN! One group does rock climbing ( jut my luck) While one packs up, then we switch. I did rock climbing first.I amazed myself when I said that I want to try rock climbing with a bad finger. I dare say I'm pretty good, I've been doing rock climbing since I was 5. But today was different. I just didn't care about my finger. i was mad at my self for putting my finger on the piano in the first place. I was going to do every thing i could at Camp Wise ... Including rock climbing.

I started climbing and gained speed. I got to the mid-way point. My finger started aching. I was half way there and it just HAD start aching. I said i wanted to come down, but I really didn't. When I reached down I took of my harness. When everybody had gotten a turn we went to the Mess Hall. we relaxed fr a while then when to my cabin to pack up. The teacher asked if i needed any help, i said no. I could do tings my self and I wanted to. My finger being hurt doesn't mean I can't do things my self. i was really irritated with myself.

I took my stuff to the Mess Hall and set it down with the other bags. i was really tired. I sat by the fire and relaxed.

My mom was goin' to pick me up early because of my Stept throat. And so she did. when she came she looked at my finger and she got all my stuff in the car. We waited until lunch came out. I ate some food an then we left Camp Wise.




PS. Now the story is complete.

Sports .. Continues.... READ PREVIOUS POST!

Ok, So I'm at sports right now ... At sports .... well, just listen to THIS!
There was ... A basket ball court with 6 hoops, a soccer field, a swimming pool (we couldn't go swimming), tennis court, mini golf, hockey, volley ball court, there were frisbees, and more!
I started out playing frisbee with the teacher, who is REALLY nice, and 3 of my friends. We played for a little and got board so I play 3-way mini put - put with the teacher and my friend ... I WON!
Then I play a little volley ball. Played some basketball. Then play some of my favorite sport, soccer.

It was time to switch around. My group's next activities was challenge curse. We went into the woods and reviewed some rules. Our first challenge was with a tire. the object of the game is to only put on foot on the tire and lift up the other foot of the ground ... there's a catch ... EVERYbody, all ten people, have to be on the tire ... and for 15 SECONDS! We Were SO close, but we F I E ! !
A L D !

next challenge ... I like to call it the titanic but they called it the same thing as the VERY first challenge ... remember? The one which we have to get of Earth? Ya' that one. But this time we had to do something different. We stand on a piece of wood and grab hold of a rope. We swing to another piece of wood about 5 feet from the platform that we are currently on. The catch is that all ten people have to get to the wood safely ... they can't fall of the wood once they're on, and they can't touch their feet to the ground when they're swinging. We got this challenge the 3rd or 4th time we tried.

when we got back to the Mess Hall, we had free time. I didn't get to do the nature hike, but I do that tomorrow. We decided to have AMERICAN IDAL! It was REALLY funny! I did something with Lia and my other friend Deep ( that's her nick - name). Then my MOM came to teach Indian dance! You see, at my school, we celebrate lots of different cultures. She us JAI HO from Slum dog Millionaire. (I already knew it!) after that my mom said she had some stuff for me.

Flash bacK! : when we wee still at school, I had brought the smallest amount of luggage, my
friends, and friends parents kept asking,"THAT's IT?" And I said YES! I told my mom to bring me a sleeping bag when she comes to camp to teach us so it'll look like I have more! It turned out that I needed it! Se also got me boots to wee for the nature hike, but I didn't need it.)

After I had unpacked what my mom got for me, she took some pics, and then she hugged me good bye. I had free time. I played theder ball (I don't know how you spell theder! The COMPUTER DOESN'T EIGHTHER!) and helped my friend write songs, and hung out in the girls cabins.
It was now time for dinner. Here is the sad part ... this is where my finger gets injured ... If you want to know more about my finger's blue nail (Which I have right now! I'm typing with it!) look at a post I typed about five posts back. ... so... I am a vegetarian ... lot of Indians are ... So is Deep. she's Indian too. But because I am vegetarian, they made a special meal for me! and they served to me! Other people had to get up and get there meal! I got pasta and eggplant as a side dish. I ate sadly because of my finger, but happily because of the GREAT meal! I had gotten ice for my finger, and it hurt alot but I surprisingly didn't cry. It was hurting a ton. The teachers said that we are watching a movie, and to get out sleeping bags and pillows. we did. The movie was back to the future. I Enjoyed the movie but had to get up to get ice water ever now and then for my finger.
After the movie we roasted marsh mellows and mad smores. It was a Pretty awesome day.

To be continued ...



So now that you know what my cabin looks like, let's get on with the adventure!

After we unloaded our stuff, we went out side. We cud see the Mess Hall from outside our cabin. But as Sssssooooonnn as us girls step out of our cabin, we're in playing distance of theder ball and "gaga" In the Gaga pit because it is right outside our cabin. When we (us girls) got outside, the boys were already playing football and theder ball and Gaga. We joined there games and it was soon time for the tour of Camp Wise.
After the tour we played some team-work games in a small lounge building such as ... fixing a "space ship" and getting out of Earth because it has become unlivable. How that exercise worked was from our 30 people in our class, we got split into to two groups ... 15 &15 ... How this worked was the teachers laid 15 papers on the floor, each has a number on it. The object of the game was to press the code -1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 - in 15 seconds ...But the numbers are sensitive. All of us had to pick a number to be their number. After we decided who gets what number we have to step on the number at the right time ...
I know it's confusing to understand but here's an ex sample ... Let's say "Bob" has number one, "Bill", has number 2, Bub has 3 and I have #4. When we start the clock, Bob has to jump on his number and get off, then Bill has to step on 2, then Bub has to step on#3 and get off, then I have to do four ... Get it now?
Our team basically got it but some people didn't step on there number but stepped beside it. The other team didn't get it at all!

after this challenge we had another challenge ... a blind fold challenge. In the exercise we all split into groups of 3 ... THIS TIME WE GET TO PICK OUR PARTNERS! ... Then we blind fold somebody and guide them ... I picked to be with Lia and someone else in my cabin. I was second to be blindfolded ... after this we talked about how it felt to be blindfolded ... THEN WE haD lunCH!

Lunch Was AmazInG!

We had grilled cheese, tater-tots, tomato soup, there was a salad bar, juice, and more! I had a grilled cheese and TWO helpings of ta tor tots. When we thought it couldn't get better ... DEsSErT!
It was chocolate brownies with chocolate on top! And the there was the best hot chocolate I've ever tasted! LUNCH WAS FANTASTIC!

After lunch we hhhad a little time to relax ... We sat by the fire, hung out, and relaxed on the couches.

Then we split into 3 groups ... I WAS SEPaRATED FROM LIA! NoOOOOOOOO!
... One group goes to sports ... That's my group ... then one group goes to the nature hike ... Lia's group ... and the last group does some challenges.

I'll continue next post.


CONTIUED! ... !! #2!

This is continued ...

Ok,So , once we got of the bus, we went to the OTHER bus to get out bags! I still cccccccan't get over how there was a separate bus to carry our luggage!

After we got out stuff, we were assigned cabins... I got 3/4 of the people I wanted! I'll explain how the cabin looked ...
Ok, There was a RIGHT side of the cabin and a LEFT side.
I was assigned the RIGHT side with Lia and 3 other of my friends. (YAY! I'm with Lia!).
One of my friends on my side of the cabin was used to camp wise 'cause' she has went there 3 years in a row!
She gave a mini tour to all of us on the RIGHT side. When we walked in, there was a bunk bed in front (which was my bunk!) of you and two on the right side and one on the left, it was sorta' like a maze being in the cabin ! The if you stepped toward my bun then you see 3 other bunks! Then, made for the teachers, was two bunks behind a wall ... Ya, I know, LOTA' BUNKS!
If you head toward the wall, then take an immediate left, you should open a door which leads to a bathroom with 2 stalls, 6 showers, and 2 sinks. If you walk through the bathroom you should see a door . i you open THAT door, It leads to the LEFT side cabin. I don't know, but I assume the boys' cabin was the same way.

Again ... I' going to have to continue on my next post!



PS. So when you read the next post, that hopefully will be the 2nd last of this story!

Ok, so I promised.

Ok, So ... I promised that I'll write about Camp Wise, so I'll write about Camp Wise!

So, As I said in my previous Post, my second class field trip was an overnight trip to Camp Wise. IT WAS AWESOME! .... Well, Pretty awesome because of my finger (READ PREVIOUS POST). So, we got to school at normal time ... 8:45 .... and we put our bags in the chapel ... Then we went upstairs to our homerooms and put on our jackets and stuff.

We got excited when the bus came to pick all of my homeroom and classmates up. (I can't tell you which grade I'm in ... Sorry! I can tell you I'm in middle school though!) We played and talked on the bus and we couldn't believe how big Camp wise was once we got there!!!

And did I tell you there were TWO buses?! One for us kids, and the other for our BAGS! Can you believe it? A BUS FOR OUR BAGS! No joke... Ask Lia! (Lia's my friend I have blogged about in my past few posts... we have a shared website if you ant to check it out!)

This ... is getting too long! Already!

I continue on the next post ...

Your truly,


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


OMG! I can't BELIEVE I didn't notice this!

OMG omG omG!

So, ..... What was I gonna say? ....... Oh ya!

My second class field trip .... It was an overnight one ...... it was at Camp Wise, And It was awesome! I'll type you another post that'll tell you what I did there ...
so, at, or just before dinner time, my class was goofing around, having fun. ... Chill - axing!
so, there were too Pianos there and people were playing it. One of my friends put the top lid of the piano ...
you know the one which hides all the strings and stuff?
... ya, so she put it up so the piano would play louder and I put my finger there
... and ...
Well, the lid fell on my finger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT WAS BURNING WITH PAIN! My friend felt and still feels REALLY bad ... I forgave her, but my nail started turning BLUE! As a daughter of two doctors I realize that it was just a bruise, but it was scary!

And guess what? I typed the last five blogs with a bad finger! And dare I say pretty fast too!

I'll tell you more about camp wise later ... I'll maybe even put it in my other blog shared with my friend Lia. ... she was there too.

( Check it out!



Check - IT -OUT!


Me, Sabrina , and my friend Lia have our own NEW Blog!

!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!

YA' GOTTA' Check it OUT!

It's called .

Ya' GOTTa' ChECh It OuT!



Ps. Both the Blogs have the same theme color so be sure you're on the write one!

Odiogo gone Bongo!

Odiogo ... that thing at the top of each post? well it isn't working.
In stead of playing the post that it is on, it is playing the post underneath. ... I don't know what to do!

If you guys have any Idea of what to do, please tell me!



Ps. I'll ask my dad and see if he knows what to do. Otherwise I'll try my mom. Just saying! I like to keep you posted.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tutorial Rival!

You know that youtube dance tutorial i have posted?
How i acted on that video is NOTHING like i am in real life.
People who know me ... you hopefully know that.
I'm not a girly-girl type of person ... actually that video is really kind of embarrassing!
I was 8 & a 1/2 when I made that video.
I was WAY carried away in those videos!

I have more tutorials that are popular on youtube but I much rather you watch my dances and piano recitals! I even have a ski video on youtube!



Ps. Leave comments! ! !

Don't be mean and check it out !!!

Are you looking at ALL my blogs?!?
If you're just looking on my first page, don't!
I have some neat blogs on my other page too!

This is just a reminder, but if you don't look at my other pages, they'll get lonely- and you do NOT want that to happen right?

Well now you know what to do to make my blogs happy again!!! Keep in touch,

PS. To get to the other, lonelier pages, all you have to do is go to the bottom of the screen, and click on the word "older"-OK?

PSS. I have this blog posted on another page ... if you were looking at all my pages then you would know that!

No more of that.

You know that neopets air fairy blog I posted?
WELL, I just wanted to say that i DON'T play neopets anymore.

Neopets is a fun site, don't get me wrong . I had played neopets when I was 7, then I got board and quit. I wanted to play it again when I was 9 but forgot my old password and got a new account. I got over a million Dollars /neo money and got board And ... you guessed it ... quit again.

I think that it's an addicting site for a year then you get tired and sick of it. If you don't go there, like, every day, your neopet loses health and gets hungry and it's a pain to play 5 games and buy food for it AND feed it to him/her. It's fun at first but gets boring.

I don't know why but I just wanted to tell you about neopets ... So, yeah!



PS. I'll tell you more about neopets if you guys just tell me in a comment!
It's the same for any blog really! Just write me a comment!
(PSS. It took 15 min. to write this blog! Same for the one before! Color and italics takes time!)


Ok ... I lied! I said that I would write every now and then and I ... well I didn't.


I REALLY will keep writing to you guys.
I write a weekly to u guys, otherwise you can review my old blogs? Sounds like a deal???

O! If you check out my blogs then you HAVE to see my youtube videos!
I'll blog up some links some time.



PS. It's really fun using color and italics!