Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Old time favorite

If you don't already know, I love to read. If I can't reach a computer, readings the next thing. Sadly, I was out of books yesterday (just finished Lament by Maggie Stiefvater, it's amazing, high level reading, and a great mystery/adventure/romance. Also great for musical people and poetic readers) and computer was off limits, so I fished out an old time favorite book of mine.

Now it's not Cinderella (because I always loved Rose more anyway... she's WAY prettier, right?!), and it's not any Dr. Sues books. Actually, it's a book about human biology.

As a kid, till this day, I was always interested in Human Biology. Maybe it was a trait from my parents (both doctors), but I always loved learning about it. So as a kid, my parents got me this set of books. They're called "A child's first dictionary" books, and they go from "How the Universe works" to "Architecture" to, of course, "Human Biology".

So now, at the age of 12, I went back to these books and I actually learned somethings from them!!!! ... Well, haha, what I learned was from this little box on the side that says "To the parent", but whatever, it counts!

You wanna know what i learned? Well you probably do, otherwise you would have stopped reading... so anyways!

1) THE STUFF THAT TURNS YOUR HAIR BLACK IN CALLED MELANIN! And when you get older, that stuff is harder to make, so your hair turns gray! Isn't that sad?!

2) Girls hair usually doesn't fall as much as boys hair... we don't get bald, IN YO FACES!!!! ( i kinda already knew tht, just thot id brag <333) and also, girls hair stays in for like 5-6 years, when guys hair only stay for 4-5 XD! ooohh ya <333. AND! Girls hair grows fasterrr XD!

3) The tears your eyes make are produced from a gland in your upper eyelid. It's called the Lachrymal gland. (omigawed, i didn't look at the book once!!!! I remember all this!!!!)

SO! i hoped you learned something, cuz i did! yay!

- Sab XD!

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