Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Left Hand

Hey guys! As I told the world a couple of posts back, my life DOES consist of more then just Khan Videos :) so I'll tell you about my newest interest... Learning how to write with my left hand! I think it's really cool how some people can write with both hands, being ambidextrous, and thought "why can't I give it a shot?"

So the idea sparked when I was really sleepy and my right hand wouldn't co-operate. I sleepily picked up the pencil with my left hand instead and wrote a few things, and the hand writing didn't look half bad! By that I mean it didn't look like it came from a foreign language. It looked like it was a kindergartens scribble, but I could deal.

Then I really concentrated and started writing with my left slowly. Pressing harder helped because this way you could keep more control. Stupid left hand has a mind of it's own otherwise... Can't blame him, he's mad for not being used all these years.

So ya, I tried that and it worked! Looked sorta bloated thought, like it drank too much water and was expanding to the other lines like it couldn't handle being in that little space... I wonder if letters could be claustrophobic? Maybe that's why some letters always cross the line.

Anyways! Then I tried writing more and more sentences and the letters were cured! No more claustrophobia!

But the letters were deformed... I think I need to go to a letter hospital.

But for now, my wonderfully deformed letters will do! I'll keep practicing and by the end of the summer I'll be a pro B-) ... that's a lot to expect by the end of the summer. Learning so much from the Khan videos and learning how to write gorgeously with my left hand...

Oh well! I will do it! <3

Sab :) <3 XD!


  1. Your right brain must be getting bigger from all the music? We need a photo of the left-handed writing! Can you upload it? Thanks.

  2. You said thanks w/out my reply! Maybe i won't <333 u will!
