Tuesday, June 21, 2011


So the past few posts have been about biology because that's my favorite subject, but I got tired of watching only those videos, ESPECIALLY after watching that MIND BLOWING (literally) video about DNA.

So now we start with, ASTRONOMY!!!! Yay!!!! Woo-peeeii!!!! And other less dorky celebrating phrases!

So the first video was the scale of the Earth and Sun. And WOW the sun is huuuuugeeeee!!!! And I know, everyone says "The sun is way bigger then the Earth, cupcake." (imagine that in an old lady granny voice) ladidadala, and I'm like, OKAY, I'll go with that. But you REALLY need an example before you get the scale down in perspective.

So, it would be pointless just to repeat the examples he used in the video because you could just click on it and listen for your self. But! I can try to come up with my own examples with out my head exploding like yesterday!

So. Say the Earth is a bouncy ball... ya I think I could do this. Bouncy ball... and umm, Earth is a very NON-bouncy bouncy ball... wouldn't that just be a ball? You know what, Earth is a marble. okay? a marble. And say you place the marble on a ... soccer field. And the Sun is the goal. Oh, i faiiiiled at this example, lol.

LIGHT BULB! WAIT! I got a better idea!

OKAY! SO! The Sun is still the goal, but the Earth is the soccer ball! Now pretend the goalie, or if in real life, Green Lantern, took the ball/Earth and punted it across most of the field until it reached the top of the 18 on the other side, and that's where it landed.

So as you know, goals are generally way bigger then the ball, right? And the ball is really far away from the goal/sun. And there's a non-mind-blowing example of the scale of Earth to Sun! Well... it actually IS mind blowing as to think that the Sun is so much bigger then the Earth and how far we are from the Sun.

Some other things to know!

- Light travels super fast, but it takes 8 mins for the light to travel from the Sun to the Earth. So if the Sun spontaneously conbusted then ... well, we kinda would all die... so never mind! So say the sun's light went off, then we wouldn't know until 8 mins later!

- The Earth is about 40,000 KM in Circumference

- The Sun is 109X bigger in Circumference!

And did you know that a good bullet can travel about as fast as a jet? wow. XD about 280 Meters/second!

And that's it for now!



  1. Terrific! you lost me a bit with the soccer ball example. The 8 minutes before you find out about the sun's light getting switched off would be very very precious!

  2. Only a true soccer player would think of this example!!! It was fun reading it.

  3. Haha, ya i guess it would?! 8 mins is a TON of time to prepare...

  4. But by the "18" I meant the top of the penalty box. XD :) :) :) <3 XD!

  5. Thanks <3 i guess i AM a true soccer player, har har. XD!
