Saturday, March 7, 2009

Talk About Iowa Testing!!!!

I had Iowa testing this past school week. -And yes, it only took one week to finish testing!

Last year I was nervous, and kind of scared, because it was my first real test.
But it turned out to be really fun!
After each portion of the test, we had a break. During the break, you could eat your snack that you brought, play games in the classroom, and chat with your friends! It was much funner than I expected!
This year, however, it wasn't as fun as last year.
I was expecting games and fun, during the break. Instead I got only a little snack, and 5 min. of chatting!
The point is, every time I took the test, I expected the opposite of what happened!
Well, at least testing is over!


  1. Well...don't be so greedy!..At least you got a chat time and snacks! I am so impressed that you were looking forward to this test and not be nervous about it!

  2. First of all, DID YOU JUST CALL ME GREEDY! I'm going to get you for that Masala!(That's OUR last name- see, I'm SHARING!).

    FYI- I only got 5 mins. of chatting, and barley had time to eat my snack! I had to eat my snack during testing!

    Sabrina M.

  3. AREN't U going to reply?!


