Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm a Neopet air faerie!

I have some neopets, and I took a personality quiz on! If you haven't been there, be sure to check it out!

Guess which faerie I am like? An air faerie! "I am most like an air faerie, because I enjoy fresh air and have a positive (if somewhat relaxed) attitude about life." And that's what I look like as a faerie!

Don't believe me? Well here is the certificate I got from Neopets, so there!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Now you can listen to my blogs!

I went to my Dad's blog and saw, or heard, something really cool!
He has a button that says, "Listen Now" on top of each post. When you click on it, it reads aloud the whole post!

I had it installed, and now when you look at the top of each of my posts, you can click on the button and hear the post!

It is a free service from it also let's you subscribe to my blog on iTunes. So, everytime I post a new post, you can download it to your iPod... If you wish.

So please check it out!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Inspiration for our School's blog!

You all know that I have a blog. That's why you are here!

My parents mentioned this to my teachers at a parent-teacher conference y'day. They also suggested to the teachers that it might be a good idea for the school to start a group blog by the students. The teachers really liked the idea. So the school is thinking about starting this.

Wow! My blog might be the start to a school blog! Cool! Lets see what happens. I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's finally here! The dance tutorial!

I've told you about a million times before, but I am now going to show you how to dance!

To make a video, it takes a lot of work, and planning. You need lots of light to film, and lots of space to dance. You also need a good cameraman, and I had the perfect one! It took 3 days to shoot this, and another day to edit and upload it to YouTube. And of course, the video was too long. So we had to chop it in to two parts, and upload it again. I had got couple of assistants who helped me do the end of the dance tutorial.-can you guess who they are? Post a comment and I'll see if you're right! Then I'll reveal my answer! You can also guess who my cameraman was, you know, the perfect one?

I hope you dance along with this video!

Here's Part two! Dance along with this one as well! 

Monday, March 16, 2009

Coming out soon!

Do you know how to dance?
I know I asked this question before, but, in my next blog, I'm going to REALLY show you how to dance!

I have a cameraman who's going to tape me while I do some really cool moves.
I'll start with simple steps, and go to hard.

If you already know how to dance, this may an easy task; but I do warn you, this isn't ballet, or hip hop, or jazz, this is Indian, or Bollywood, dancing.

You may think I, by mistake, put a "B" instead of a"H" in Bollywood- but I didn't.
For those of you who don't know, Bollywood is like Hollywood, except it is in India.

I hope you stay tuned for my next blog and dance tutorial,

Sabrina Masala.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Here is the real thing!

I have told you about the Holi dance, I was going to perform in.
The last and final song is the oscar winning "Jai Ho", from the movie "Slumdog Millionaire"
Here is the real thing!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Choreographer in Training.

Do you know how to dance?
If you look at my profile on the right hand of the page, you would know I do!

Actually, my mom is a kind of a part time choreographer - I said "kind of" because my mom only choreographs for fun .

But, as I was saying, my mom choreographed a Holi dance recently. I -by myself- choreographed the end of the dance, I'm a choreographer in training!

If you didn't know, Holi is an Indian, festive, holiday,it's very fun to celebrate.

I hope this influenced you to work on new dance moves,
I'll keep you posted-Sabrina

Monday, March 9, 2009

Are you looking?

Are you looking at ALL my blogs?!?
If you're just looking on my first page, don't!
I have some neat blogs on my other page too!

This is just a reminder, but if you don't look at my other pages, they'll get lonely- and you do NOT want that to happen right?

Well now you know what to do to make my blogs happy again!!! Keep in touch,

PS. To get to the other, lonelier pages, all you have to do is go to the bottom of the screen, and click on the word "older"-OK?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What do you think?

Do you like dogs or cats?
That was a question in my Scholastic News-"Debate Of The Week".

I would say DOGS- ................
You know what's so weird, I ask a girl this question, they ALWAYS say cats! I ask a boy this question, they always say dogs!
I don't know what it is, but it's driving me nuts!
Just because you're a different gender, doesn't mean you like different animals!

I would say THIS is something to debate about, what do you think?
I would say yes, so let's debate!
Are you a girl who likes dogs like me, or a boy who likes cats?
If you are, then tell me! I would love to hear what you have to say about this debate!
Leave me a comment, and maybe you could have the lucky comment, which will be part of my next blog!

Can't wait to see your comment.-Bye! -And keep in touch!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Talk About Iowa Testing!!!!

I had Iowa testing this past school week. -And yes, it only took one week to finish testing!

Last year I was nervous, and kind of scared, because it was my first real test.
But it turned out to be really fun!
After each portion of the test, we had a break. During the break, you could eat your snack that you brought, play games in the classroom, and chat with your friends! It was much funner than I expected!
This year, however, it wasn't as fun as last year.
I was expecting games and fun, during the break. Instead I got only a little snack, and 5 min. of chatting!
The point is, every time I took the test, I expected the opposite of what happened!
Well, at least testing is over!